Hi there,
Here I am all alone having my little tea party, I might be here in person by myself but throughout the morning I've been making some new friends in cyber space. Thanks ARTSYMAMA for a wonderful idea and initiative.
What a morning ...drawling over some wonderful blogs and websites, seeing such wonderful china and linen......well this was just too much, I decided to get out all my old china that I carefully wrapped up and put away, so that the kids wouldn't ruin them. I've decided that they are no longer to be hidden away and need to go back on display.....wasn't that the whole idea in the first place to be seen and used. So linens will be washed and old china washed , I've decided that I will display them in my old antique English display cabinet.........only one problem will now have to find a new place for my collection of dolls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Looking forward to continuing the day dropping in on other peoples tea parties.
Hiya Joan! :D You're not alone! So nice to see you participating in the big spring tea party as well! Hugs from Carol xox
I agree! Definitely use your good stuff now! What are we waiting for? Plus we deserve it! -Karla
Yes it is nice to see the old treasures, and have beautyful things around.
I have decided to use my china and my old tableclothes even if i have 4 kids.... ;)
...well not for everyday use, then....lol
Glad you decided to get your pretty things out! It is a shame to hide them away. I love any excuse to bring out mine.
Use your "good stuff" and enjoy it. Remember, you are worth every bit of it. Company comes and goes but you are there with yourself everyday. Treat yourself!
Whew! Can you hand me a cup of tea while I get off my soapbox?
Oh I am so happy you decided to bring out your box of pretties!! You will be so much happier even if you just look at them!!
Beautiful blog!
Hi darling.I have a tea party painting.come see
Hi darling,just passing threw.I have a tea party folk art painting.come see.
Thanks for stoping by my tea party today. I just love your china cabnet. Very pretty.
Thanks for stopping by. I do like David Bowie!! I too have to remember to use my good things, not to hide them away. They're meant to be used and enjoyed, not hidden. Thanks for reminding me of that.
Oops, I forgot to mention that I absolutely love those bracelets. Were they hard to do?
Hi! I am so glad you have this English blog for us Italian~challenged girls! Thanks for joining the tea party.
You have beautiful things, I am so glad that you are going to let them be "out" again~
Thanks for having us over, please visit my little gardenhouse and we can have tea. :) hugs, Lidy
Hello Joan - so pleased you were able to stop by for tea in my gazebo this afternoon!! What a fun International tea day it was. Lucky you living in Italy. I'm British too, living in the US, and wanting, longing, dreaming to be back in Tuscany - my most favorite place on earth!
I'll be crossing the pond again this year to stock up on TEA by the ton - also Oxos (in every shape and form), Bird's Custard, Smarties, McVitie's Choc. Digestive to dip in the tea etc. etc. Had to buy an extra suitcase last trip!
Hope Spring soon arrives for you.
Fondly, Mary.
P.S. I put my milk in the cup first - even Her Majesty does so I'm told!!
Hi ! I am quite late in visiting your blog, I beleive no tea left, but I am very happy to know about you !
Ora che son passata da qui, ho la risposta all mia domanda : Cesena !
What a fun party!
We'd love to have you in the softie swap if you are still interested!
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