STCIn one of my previous posts I said that Italian scrappers were discovering the world of
ATCs. I've noticed that the
ATCs theycreate are made in the scrapbooking style that they are accustomed to using when making their
LOS, therefore in my own personal opinion, my personal point of view I don't really consider these 100% ATCs. Please note I said IN MY PERSONAL OPINION before I have everyone jumping on my back and biting my head off !!!!!!!!!!Therefore I've decided to nominate these type of cards :-
S T C = Scrappers Trading CardsAs you can see in my example above, the card has been created using K & Co scrap paper, fibres, buttons and a vintage image on the tag. Instead of the vintage image you could use your own photo, family, friends, pets etc. and include it in one of your LOs.
Now all I have to do is initiate a
STC SWAP, think I will use a theme maybe a colour or a festive holiday..................or maybe you have some good ideas of your own. If so please let me know ...................would love to see your STCs.have a great day
crafty Joan